

Jun Soo Choi, and Jin Won Kim Patent Attorneys, joined THEWAVE

  • Date : 2022.06.27 23:50
  • Hit : 1,644


We would like to inform you that Jun Soo Choi and Jin Won Kim have joined a Patent law firm, THEWAVE.


Jun Soo Choi majored in chemical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University and has various experiences in H&P International Patent at a law firm, Domestic and Foreign Patent Applications, Legal Proceedings, Trials, Litigations, and Infringement Examinations in the Chemical, Material, and so on. 

He will be in charge of the Chemical and Material field in THEWAVE.


Jin Won Kim majored in biomedical engineering at Korea University and has various experiences in a law firm, WETHEPEOPLE, Medical device, Neural Network, Al, Business Model (BM), UI/UX, and Electronics, Domestic and International Patent Prosecution, Legal Proceedings, Trial, Litigation, Infringement, Licensing, and so on. 

He will be in charge of the Electronics and Electricity field in THEWAVE.


We look forward to a successful working relationship with them.

Jun Soo Choi :

Jin Won Kim :